25 Jan 2011
22 Jan 2011
Etsy Find: Vees

This was love at first site. Hand-dyed and hand-painted. This absolutely gorgeous dress by vees is available on Etsy. What is even more exciting is that this piece of art can be made for you in various colour combinations of your choice with a palette to choose from.
I'll be saving up for this one.
Have a great weekend!
21 Jan 2011
20 Jan 2011

I have chosen not to write any new year's resolution down so they don't come back and haunt me! This year though one of the things I am going to try to do is EXPERIMENT. Okay, so I have written that one down.
In any case, it’s a major aim. With colours, fabric, textures, new shapes, new ideas. Anything really and hopefully this will also apply to life in general and not just work.
To kick things off, I have been playing with my camera. I have a Canon digital SLR which is permanently on Auto! I am ashamed to say. So I am going to venture into manual mode and hopefully learn a thing or two!
This image was taken in manual mode but with no adjustments to the settings and no Photoshop work. I want it so serve as a reference point.
The flower was from a friend's wedding back in May 2010 and I have kept it ever since to indulge my love for things 'rusty' and weathered.
Have a great weekend.
10 Jan 2011
Happy New Year!
A new super snap clutch to start the new year. Happy New Year everyone! Lets make this year one to remember!