17 May 2011


As someone who creates endless lists, loses them and starts all over again and then finds them again, this is an absolute Godsend.

Workflowy is a great simple tool that allows you to generate and organise information in an efficient, accessible way. You'll have your information wherever you are as long as you have an Internet connection.

It works by allowing you to create lists/bullet points which can have endless subsections. You can shrink and expand these lists depending on the amount of information you want to view at any one time. You can choose it for anything; shopping lists, planning a project, planning your time. It's up to you!

Here is a little sample of me being (or trying to be) organised on a monthly basis.

I am making this sound a lot more complicated than it is. I think its brilliance is in its simplicity.

Try it out for yourself! www.workflowy.com

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